I hung out with some friends in the union yesterday. It was quite calm and relaxing!! I am def going to miss Campus Crusade and all my friends. But we have facebook, cells, Skype, and of course I can also go visit them too ;)
I have been so lazy today. I watched like 6 episodes of One Tree Hill this morning, ran 4 miles(Go me!!) and got ready for the day. It is quite chilly in OH today. O where are you summer? I think I may have found a summer job?! A Boys and Girls club in Toledo is looking for a lifeguard. I may I dont HATE it but if its something that God wants me to do then I suppose Ill get it right?!
Today I am going to a bridal party for my bible study leader/friend of 4 years tonight and then going to my friends parents house in MI for a last bonfire before finals/graduation. I am seriously in AWE that I graduate in 9 days. Ahh!!!
I am doing NOTHING tomorrow which I guess could be okay, but I mean I do want to do something. I am looking for a graduation dress today with a friend. I am one of those girls who HATES shopping for anything, even groceries.
Did anyone watch the Royal Wedding? I didnt but its okay. I really dont care about the,, and honestly if the News channel doesnt care about what happened in Alabama or Georgia and the awful tornadoes that hit down there, why should I watch the wedding?
I was a REBEL last night and did a prank on a friend and it was quite fun to say the least. I have NEVER done anything like that, but hey its okay to have fun with your friends right?!
I have some questions for you fans out there:
1) What random things would you like to know about me?
2) I have ran a 5k before, but do you think I could handle a 10k or a half?
3) Anything you want me to blog about??
O and PS thanks Red Sox Wife for a shout out today in your blog!!! :)
xx from a daughter of a KING<3