Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day 3

I am on day 3 of wearing my little grey dress. To be honest, I feel so discouraged. It is grey and I feel quite ugly in it. I want to cry. My heart has been so heavy lately. I am struggling with me-my self image, my talents, my gifts, my all. I am not sure what to do lately.
I however am quite missing running outside. This week has be insane. I've been so busy with school and its been so cold I haven't had time to workout, well only Wednesday and I am seriously itching to run again :/ Please get warm again OH so I can run outside.
I almost want to give up-on just every single thing of life lately. I surrender it all to God and yet I feel like I am caught, caught in a time where I cant get out. It sucks quite alot actually.


Whim Wham Life said...

I'm wishing for that sunshine too! What's this little grey dress? I guess I'll have to read to find out:-) Don't forget, accessories are a girl's best friend:-) Hope your weeks gets better and you have some love moments! xoxo

Have Your Way said...

Toledo is in the top five for sex trafficking. In Perrysburg, there is a nonprofit organization that is raising money to build a house for the girls who are in freedom. I go to Campus Crusade for Christ at my campus and a bunch of girls and I are wearing One dress for One Month to help show awareness for this and to take a stand for the women who can't stand for themselves.