Monday, May 23, 2011


I went to that pool party on Friday and I was the only girl who went into the pool. Its okay. I enjoyed swimming with the guys and it was fun to swim again.

I went to a Wedding on Saturday. It was beautiful to see two friends who love the Lord unite as one in him.

It has been beautiful the past few days. I went to the library on Monday and got some books. I am on the fourth one I checked out and its been a little hard to get into but so far Im starting to like it.

Ive been running/working out everyday since school ended and Im starting to feel better about myself and my energy. I feel leaner and less bloated. I want to find another race to do this summer.

I still havent found a job, but I have an interview on Thursday to babysit for a couple who has a 5 year old, a 3 year old and another one that is suppose to be born sometime this summer. I am praying that the Lord provides this job for me.

I wish I lived closer to bloggers that I read. I have lately felt really lonely and such. I feel like all I do is hang out all by myself and do nothing.

1 comment:

ruth said...

good for you to get into a good routine working out!! my hubby is always complaining he will workout more once he gets a full time job... ha! thats when it gets 100x harder to work out!! glad you are feeling leaner and better!!!!!!