Saturday, July 23, 2011

This is Yours

I havent done any workout this week :( Hopefully tonight!

This week was so crazy. Tuesday-Friday I nannied and had VBS. Needless to say I barely had time to blog, workout or even eat. Im so glad that they fed the workers this week at VBS or else I was not going to be having dinner all week.

Taking my Praxis 2 today at 11. I am then moving some MORE stuff out of my apartment and then going to be a lazy bum at home. May organize some stuff and then do laundry. Whoo! Im a party animal! haha Im trusting that God has a HUGE plan for my life and that I WILL get a 166 today!!!

Slowing getting things ready so that I can try to sub this fall.

Perkins School District App-
Renhill for Sandusky/Huron-

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

You've been busy busy!! :)