Saturday, August 13, 2011

A glass perspective

Work it out:
Thurs: nothing
Fri: 1 mile run, canoeing
Today: 1 mile run(uhh my body was SOO achy I wanted to cry)

Nannying this week wasnt too bad. Wednesday was an ok day. Church Wednesday night was so funny! The youth had a mudpit and did a tug-of-war. It was so gross but at the same time I had totally wished I had gotten to do it!
Thursday I went to dinner with my mom-Hello Panera and then hung out with her. It was fun. I am slowly starting to like being back home. Its still weird. I feel like I always have to tell her where I am going(she makes me) and I have some really weird rules, but its okay. Thursday evening while I was out with my mom, the dad of the family I nanny called me and said he was taking Friday off so I got a 3 day weekend! I was excited, but at the same time I dont get paid until Monday(boo)
I went canoeing with the youth group yesterday. I have NEVER gone canoeing. I went with a girl name Cora and then we had the youth pastors girls for like 15 minutes and then gave them back. Around mile 3(I am totally GUESSING there was NO marks to know the exact mile marks) we got Kyrsten back. At this point, all of the youth kids were SOAKED(the only boy that came him and his canoe partner decided to start FLIPPING canoes) well Cora, Kyrsten and I were doing fine. We then got stuck. Cora was sitting on the back of the canoe behind me and Kyrsten was helping me. Well we got stuck. I decided to go to the middle of the canoe to well try to even out some of the weight in it and I sort of jumped/fell out of the canoe. I could barely stand, and started to move the canoe out of the spot we were stuck it. Pastor Tim and Meg stopped and then Cora got out to help me. I told her to get back in. She did and then we had TROUBLE. Well I had two girls in the canoe and obviously I weight more than both of them combined and wasnt sure how to get back in. Tim told the girls to lean the opposite way of me and then I tried to get in. Well Kyrsten freaked out and I didnt get in. We tried it again, the canoe leaded towards me and I basically used my NONE Existence upper body to pull myself back in. It was quite an adventure. When I got back, one of my high school girls that really looks up to me texted me and asked if I had dinner plans. I didnt so I came home, showered got ready and picked her up. We drove a half an hour to get Red Robin. I was SO glad we did. We got to chat and just really catch up and stuff.
Today I went to a bridal shower and to the library. I check out some more Jodi Picoult books( I am HOOKED!) and I also got Kara Goucher's book since I have heard so MANY amazing things about it on other blogs!!! Im off to read more of the book, and head to bed. Church, youth leader meeting tomorrow, a run and an early bedtime tomorrow to start/finish out my last week of being a nanny to Lily and Jack.
Have a great Saturday!

I almost forgot: I got this book called Lady in Waiting yesterday. It is about waiting and being the One for Mr. Right. I am STOKED!! I also on Thursday, got this 'clicked' feeling when I woke up. I felt beautiful. I felt confidence and just felt like I was okay in my skin for once. I know that I may struggle on and off, but I really do feel okay with how God created me to be. I can see God's beauty in me and it is so exciting!!

1 comment:

ruth said...

i also recommend a book called "finding the love of your life"... SUPER good!! karas book is a super easy read ,you'll love it! glad to see you had a good week!