Feelings: I'm missing dad, college, friends, the warmth from the sun, love. I have lots of emotions going on this week. I've experienced some 'first' in my life and I honestly don't like it. I just want to be living the dream the Lord has for me. It is hard to be in this weird "season" in my life and to not be married, have my career job and to have a baby on the way.
Stressing about: school-OSU I can only take two classes this summer, and then another one in the fall, and the last class I will need is still up in the air when I can take it. So on TOP of four classes I'll be taking in the fall thru UT, I'll be also taking one class thru OSU. 2 this summer, 5 in the fall and then one class floating through the air and not sure where it will land :/ UGH the stresses of being an adult. I also haven't gotten any interviews yet and I just stinking want a teaching job.
Frustrated about: boys, friendships, what i'm suppose to do with my life, my self-esteem, and some other stuff in my life.
Grateful that: I have a part-time nanny job for the summer which will be nice taking 2 classes in a 7 week span. I am pumped for July 23-30 when I will be in Belize on a mission trip and having an amazing time showing Jesus to this culture. I love working with the youth group kiddos and even the children's church. I am so glad I get to be a part of these ministries. I am grateful for Elisa and Meg. Even though they are like 8-10 years older than me, are married and have kiddos, they still spend time with me and pour encouragement and love into me.
Also, I am so stressed out, I have tension in my shoulders and I'm SOOO sore from the stress I have :/ Go away stress!! Sun come out and get WARM so I can run outside!!!
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