Thursday, May 5, 2011


Yes you read that correctly---I am DONE with student teaching.classes.finals(ha who am I kidding I didnt have any!!) and on Sunday I will be a college graduate :) :)

I am going into my classroom for a few hours on Monday, and then going back in June for a field trip, but I am indeed DONE with everything!!! Yeah!!!!

I got a card, lemon bars, and flowers today from a few students. On Monday, I am going to take a class picture with them because uh they were AMAZING :) Plus I wanna remember them!!

I ran like 4-5 miles with 2 friends in this beautiful weather we have in Toledo. I am going to get Chipotle tonight and then go a funderraiser for a few friends who are going on mission trips this summer. I have eaten sweets week and today I realized why. Aunt Flo decided to visit the weekend of commencement. Gee thanks Aunt Flo. Off to dry my hair and try to do something with it!


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